10 Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

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If you are trying to save money, reducing your electric bill can be a huge help.

It is amazing how much electricity costs these days. In order to help you save money, I will share with you proven ways that you can slash your bill each month.

Top Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill

I have ten ways that you can save money on your electricity bill that will help you keep your utility expenses low.

1. Turn off your lights when you leave

I can’t tell you how many times I have left my house and the lights were still on. Lights are a small portion of your bill, however, it can add up over time.

Make it a habit to turn the lights off as you leave a room so that you can reduce your bill one kilowatt at a time.

Plus, change out those old light bulbs for LED bulbs. They will save you money in the long run.

2. Unplug electronics when done

For instance, if you use a blender to make a shake in the morning, consider unplugging it until you need to use it again.

Experts call this energy usage type a “phantom load” or “vampire usage.” Each electric device consumes a small amount of energy even if you don’t use the device. Unplugging electronics reduces the phantom load.

For example, one game console can draw 26 annual kilowatt-hours. This usage can increase your annual electric bill by $5, according to the Take Control and Save calculator.

There is no reason to leave it plugged in if you are not going to use it until the next day.

Many utilities offer a home energy audit. Some audits have a small fee and a professional evaluates your home and provides recommendations. You can also perform a self-audit to look for places to reduce electricity usage.

3. Use appliances in the off peak times

Your major appliances can be a huge drain on your electric bill. Do your laundry and wash your dishes during the off-peak hours. Doing so helps you capitalize on the lower rates from the electricity companies.

4. Seal all of your doors

This year I noticed that there was some sun peaking through the edges of our front and back door. Then I realized that the air outside was also coming through those doors. I then went and put some foam tape around the door frame.

That sealed it to keep the cool air from coming in. Now it takes less energy to heat our home in the winter and less A/C to cool the home during the summer.

Other places in the house to weatherize include:

  • Windows: Caulk and add weatherstripping
  • Air ducts: Clean ducts and repair leaks
  • Attic: Add insulation to the attic, attic door and garage door
  • Water heater: Install an insulated tank wrap

In the winter months, you may also add a plastic window covering to your single-pane windows. This temporary measure prevents drafts and is cheaper than replacing windows.

5. Install a programmable thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is one of the best ways to save on your electricity as you can set it and forget it.

Most programmable thermostats will let you set the temperature for the mornings, afternoons, and evenings so you don’t have to mess with it again.

“Smart” programmable thermostats sync with your smartphone. You can monitor the current house temperature and adjust the thermostat from your phone.

When you’re away from home, you keep your house a few degrees cooler in the winter (or warmer in the summer). You may also time your heating and cooling around the peak and off-peak hours.

6. Shop around for a better price

In some markets, you have multiple electricity providers. If so, you can compare prices and choose the cheapest option.

Utility providers may also offer these discount programs:

  • Paperless billing
  • Peak and off-peak pricing plans
  • Needs-based discount programs
  • Levelized billing
  • Weatherization assistance
  • Recycle old appliances

Levelized billing doesn’t necessarily reduce your current electric costs but can help you avoid surprise expensive bills. The utility averages your annual usage for the last 12 months and you pay the average amount for the next year.

7. Don’t leave the door open

Have you ever heard the expression, “Don’t heat the outside”? If so, then you are familiar with this concept.

If you haven’t, it basically means that you are spending money to heat the outdoors which we all know is a waste of money.

8. Turn your computer off

If you use your computer at select times throughout the day, this is probably a good solution.

If you use it for work throughout the day, then sleep mode is probably the most effective setting for you.

9. Buy a battery-operated alarm clock

Not that an alarm clock takes a lot of electricity, but if you want to get extreme, then this could be a good option.

You could even go one step further and just use your cell phone as an alarm. You have to charge it anyway, so why not use it as an alarm?

10. Wash your dishes by hand

Talking about extreme, how about letting your dishwasher rest and washing your dishes by hand? I know that seems like a foreign concept to many of us in the United States but it is still a common practice in many countries.

Other easy ways to use appliances less frequently include:

  • Doing large laundry loads instead of multiple, small loads
  • Wash clothes in cold water only
  • Drying clothes with a clothesline
  • Reduce the thermostat setting on the hot water heater
  • Take shorter showers
  • Use LED light bulbs
  • Install dimmer switches and smart power strips


When you are trying to save money, every little bit helps. If you follow these tips you are well on your way to reducing your electric bill and having more money to do what you want with.

Have you saved money on your electricity bill? If, so what did you do?

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  1. Rich Spaulding says:

    You mentioned using a washer and dryer during peak hours. What are the peak hours and why use them during peak hours? Thanks!

    1. Off peak hours refers to the time frame where the least amount of electricity usage takes place, usually something like 9pm to 7am. The time frame is chosen by your electricity provider and you pay much less to use electricity during those times. I hope that helps!

  2. We use a clothes line in the summer. Also, in the winter, we open the blinds during the day to let the sun in. In the summer, we close the blinds to keep the sun out. It really helps!

  3. 1. LED lights cut my daily electric cost in half.

    2. I line dry my clothes vs using an electric dryer.